Educational Programmes

Visit the museum or have the museum visit your classroom with one of our fun and interactive educational programs! 

We offer an exciting line up of innovative programs designed to compliment and enliven the Ontario elementary and secondary school curriculum. We can host groups big and small of all grade levels, and encourage participation of various groups, including, Homeschool Groups, Scouts and Girl Guides to visit. 

A boy looks up at a display in the barn of old tools used by residents of the original poor house
Children experimenting with a pulley system a ropes with weighted bags at the ends in the heritage barn
Young boy gathers wood in the forest to add to his fort of sticks
Large group of kids piled on a disc swing on a playstructure
Chickens grazing in a fenced area outside their coop, with the Barn and playground in the background
Large realistic model of a horse stands on display in the basement of the museum heritage barn.
Old milking stalls on display in the basement of the museum barn.

View our Teachers Guide

Learn about all the programs we have to offer, in person and virtually, and book your visit today!

Booking Information

We are glad you are interested in what the Wellington County Museum and Archives has to offer. See below for frequently asked questions and contact information.

  • Educational Programs are 2 hours long
  • $5 cost per student 
  • All teachers and adult volunteers are free of charge
  • Maximum number of students per program is 60 (for museum visit)
  • $50 for in class and virtual programming